About Me
– So what about me?
Or rather, what I can do for you?
Because that’s how this whole thing works – using your experience, skills and talents to build a business around you, just as I have done.
Mine are what set me apart. And what may make us right for each other. It’s like any relationship – some people click and some don’t.
If you want to learn from someone who has spent the past 21 years writing bestselling (and not just in some obscure Amazon category) books that have been published by the Top 5 publishing houses, have been translated into multiple languages, received critical acclaim and been nominated for awards then that’s a start.
Add to that my real life experience in marketing and branding agencies, my 12 year spent creating courses, workshops, events, digital products and content that has enabled 27,000 people and counting to get off that treadmill and into a life they truly love and now we’re cooking.
That’s the recipe you need if you want to do what I have done. You want your own brand, your own books and a lifestyle business in the best sense…one that frees you up to be you.
I have answered only to myself for all of those 21 years I’ve been writing and running my own businesses. It’s what I still do so I know what’s working right now and will continue working for you too.
And yes – origin story part here – I did it as a single mother looking after a disabled child who was seriously ill for a long time.
Like all the best stories, it has a happy ending. An ongoing one. My daughter is now well and achieving great things in her own right.
And I want to the same for you because that’s my greatest skill of all – enabling you to make your own magic happen.
No woo-woo required (but served as a side dish for those who want it).
The things I love
My Programs
Click or swipe below to find out more
Bestseller In A Day
The Bestseller In A Day workshop is a fun, interactive process that walks you through coming up with your first or next bestseller in just one day!
Book In A Week
Can you really write a great book in just one week? And do it without even breaking a sweat? Absolutely. That’s exactly what you’ll do in your very own writer’s retreat aka Book In A Week.
Book Camp
Book Camp is my intensive 6 month group program to get you from idea to book in the company of other brilliant, likeminded individuals. You can join the wait list here.